What is my life?

That’s what I’m thinking when I look down at this! What a sight! Progress on my Amina sweater has been slow, on the front at least, the back piece is nearly done. I have been unwell this past week or so, making working on the intarsia front difficult. But I’m feeling positive and excited, I’m up to row 9 on the chart!

In the mean time, I’ve also done a bit more research and found some invaluable Intarsia tips from Rox on YouTube:

This video is just what I needed. I learned that bobbins aren’t the only way to go! I decided to make ‘butterflies’ for the small sections that have only a few stitches. Just that change, has helped a lot. I might make more sections into ‘butterflies’, but I’ll do a few more rows before deciding. Rox has a lot of technique videos on her channel and they’re well produced, so I’ve subscribed.

Despite my little progress, I’m having fun. It feels like I’m painting with my stitches, I love using colour in my knitting, even though these are the exact colours assigned in the pattern. I’m starting to think about my next projects… better press on then.

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