A diversion… already

I was knitting away on the Op Art blanket yesterday, having managed to get a fair bit done (unblocked the width is about 41cm) and there’s a lot more to go. When my hands got a bit achy I switched to spinning for a while, but sadly it didn’t keep my interest.

This morning I did the only thing I could do. I cast on another project. I casted on some socks.

Sock yarn is guilt-free, so it makes sense that sock projects should be guilt-free too.

I had signed up to some Craftsy classes over Christmas when they were going cheap. I thoroughly enjoyed Stefanie Japel’s ‘Fit Your Knits’ class and got a tremendous amount of knowledge and practical tips for future jumper knitting. I also purchased at the same time, Donna Druchunas’ Knit Sock Workshop. The workshop features two patterns, one of which I’ve been wanting to make for a few months. Enter the diversion project, ‘Ladies Lace Socks’.

Very early this morning I attempted to do the Turkish figure 8 cast-on as described in the class. After my first successful attempt of casting on with this method, I went back to ‘Judy’s Magic Cast on’ and it was perfect and effortless. Why would you try/do anything else? Give credit where credit is due, that woman is a genius…

I have now completed my very first ‘swirl toe’, which I’m quite taken with and I’ve completed one lace repeat.

Guess it’s time to head back to the blanket now, fair’s fair.


This is going to take a while

The Op Art blanket is underway… this is going to take a while. If I’m realistic about it, I’m looking at a good 4 weeks of knitting this baby (if not more), But. I get these super unrealistic ideas come weekend time, that if I knit solidly I could be almost done by the end of the weekend. In my experience of me, this is never the case. The weather is rubbish or should I say positively wet, because in actual fact deep down every knitter out there is secretly rejoicing in a weekend where venturing outside is utter madness. My only other hope for this weekend is that my husband comes home with some dinner, I’m feeling that lazy and lux at the same time.

I’ve had a rather busy work week, I’ve actually been quite busy for some time. I am loving work, and this week I love my boss just a little more. Can’t tell you why, but I really feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing, I am where I am supposed to be. Is there anything better than that?

Apologies for another crappy indoor winter photo. I am going to have to get some photography tuition from Damian. I’ve had a really inspiring week, life-drawing classes anyone?

There’s a lot to be caught up with this weekend, I have no less than a dozen pieces of knitwear to wash and de-pill, I only wish I had done the washing during the week, because with this weather…


Home body

This wet weather we’ve been having in Melbourne town has been the perfect excuse to stay at home for some indoor activities. I was the kid at primary school who was more than happy to be confined to the classroom at lunchtime when things got wet. How sad?!

Some knitting got done today and I completed Sharon’s stripy socks (for me). I loved learning how to do the afterthought heel (it’s just another toe!) brilliant! I took some progress photos of the transformation.





I am super happy with how they’ve turned out and they’re a great fit. If you plan to knit this one, I would recommend using a variegated yarn such as Noro to disguise the double stripe that you get when adding in the afterthought heel. If I made it again, I’d also add in more rows for the leg, I get cold ankles.

It’s been two whole weeks since I’ve bought yarn or fibre, now all of a sudden I’m discovering new amazing fibre clubs and awesome online yarn stores with super cheap yarn, bah! I’ve held strong inspite of this and have ordered my depiller…


Howza! It’s been a week since my last fibre/yarn purchase, and I’m surviving quite nicely. Me and my yarn stash could be on a nice little island somewhere and we’ll be just fine.

I will admit my thoughts have turned to patterns and tools, the purchase of an electric de-piller is imminent but I’ve been planning that acquisition ever since Pransell showcased one on her blog.

This week I completed my hairdresser’s pending baby’s Peapod Baby Jacket. I can’t wait to give it to her at my last hair appointment next week. She’s taking 6 months off, I fear she may not return and I’ll be down one awesome hairdresser… I got the buttons from Buttonmania, what do you think?


I did enjoy making the little garment, despite it’s size I forget how long it takes me to make little things. It’s been so cold this week, I feel a little guilty for not making the matching hat, it’s so damn cold. My guilt may get the better of me, I still have a week and a half.

I did say I was going to cast on the Op Art blanket for my sis this week, and here it is.


I still struggle with having more than one thing on the needles at any one time… I’ve completed Sharon’s first striped sock (minus the afterthought heel) and have begun the next. I’m hoping to finish these up before I get stuck into the blanket.


I’m also dreaming of my own winter-set to accompany a new winter coat. More on this maybe next time. I’ve happily spent the weekend at home, it seems the only way to get things done. I hope your weekends have been productive, hello winter brrrr…

Yarn/fibre Diet

I’m thinking about sending this flyer around to the local yarn and fibre stores nearby. Clearly I cannot be trusted to refrain from purchasing yarn upon entering a yarn store. Buying yarn and fibre is good in small doses, but lately I’ve lost a bit of self-control. I’m not going to name names or make any assertions but I know what my weak-spot(s) are when it comes to stash enhancement. Oh yes, there are several, and when they work together they equal YARN PURCHASE.

1. New Yarn – This is a biggy. I like to experience new things, experiencing new yarn gives me so much joy in a safe and comforting way. I don’t need to jump out of a plane to give me an adrenaline rush, just give me some yarn I haven’t seen before.

2. Limited Edition Yarn – Hello Wollmeise. This also includes souvenir and birthday yarn. It’s my one and only chance to purchase this yarn, I may never see it again, if I don’t buy it now I’ll miss out and I’ll be poking myself with dpns wishing I had.

3. My Favourite Colours Yarn – Pinks, greens, purples and blues; you know who you are and you clearly know who I am, because you’re singing out to me as I enter a yarn store.

There are other lamer buying points: I need a pick-me-up, I deserve to buy yarn, it’s Friday, it’s Saturday hooray, oooh it’s soft…

If you are a yarn store, or thinking of opening one up, there is your recipe to make me beholden to you. Feel free to disregard my trigger points after all I have my own yarn store at home, I’m not that desperate to buy, much.

I’m going to try very hard to not purchase any yarn or fibre until the Bendigo Show. That’s less than three months away. Wish me luck.