What is my life?

That’s what I’m thinking when I look down at this! What a sight! Progress on my Amina sweater has been slow, on the front at least, the back piece is nearly done. I have been unwell this past week or so, making working on the intarsia front difficult. But I’m feeling positive and excited, I’m up to row 9 on the chart!

In the mean time, I’ve also done a bit more research and found some invaluable Intarsia tips from Rox on YouTube:

This video is just what I needed. I learned that bobbins aren’t the only way to go! I decided to make ‘butterflies’ for the small sections that have only a few stitches. Just that change, has helped a lot. I might make more sections into ‘butterflies’, but I’ll do a few more rows before deciding. Rox has a lot of technique videos on her channel and they’re well produced, so I’ve subscribed.

Despite my little progress, I’m having fun. It feels like I’m painting with my stitches, I love using colour in my knitting, even though these are the exact colours assigned in the pattern. I’m starting to think about my next projects… better press on then.

Colour Blast Socks and a New WIP

My Color/colour Blast Socks are complete and aren’t they cool. I don’t put this down to my knitting of course, but Stephen West’s super fun design. The high contrast sections, I think are really clever and remind me of optical illusions, which I also love. Whilst I’ll never do another mystery shawl (they take too long! and you don’t get a sweater at the end of it!), I’m so glad I participated in this first Surprise Sock-along, and it won’t be my last.

I have cast on for my long awaited Amina Sweater. This is from La Bien Aimee’s first book Worsted. I cast on for the back piece first, which is non-patterned, and it’s a ‘piece’. I haven’t knitted a sweater in pieces for, I don’t know how long, so this is weird. But I’m doing it, all in the name of Intarsia! I was probably half-way through the back before my thoughts turned to the front. The back was getting super boring to knit!

I realised I was going to need some bobbins, and a lot of them… 33 or so, no kidding. I put a ‘little’ order in to Sunspun and my friend Karen who works there, brought them to knit night. They’re by Clover and I can highly recommend them.

It took me about 2 nights to wind them all up… I also wound up quite a few of the main colour on the paper bobbins you get for embroidery threads. That’s because there’s small sections of this colour that are only 1 or 2 stitches wide, and I thought it would be wise to reduce the weight of the bobbins where I could. I considered doing parts of this as stranded colour work, but I thought that would end up messy and just a big mess… compared to now, ha ha.

I’m taking it slow, I’m up to row 5, and have about 22 bobbins attached. This is what real patience is about. I wish some of the people who have knit this, wrote more notes on their Ravelry page about it. I just wanted to share the 33 bobbins note for size 4 rant with someone! Perhaps I’ll need to start writing notes on my own Ravelry projects pages.

I hope to be back soon with more progress on the front, it is definitely a stay-at-home-knit.