The Diet

The yarn diet is well and truly over. The beginning of the end began when I bought these:

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I thought that that was ok. Special stripey sock yarn, I can understand that temptation, it would be ridiculous of me to try to resist that. That was last Friday. Then…

This Saturday morning, I was suffering a bit of indigestion from a Nepalese dinner at about 3am. I could hear the wollmeise calling me, but I did resist… until I got up at 7:30am and there were still bags of multicoloured twin yarn. You’ve got to be kidding me!!!! I have never seen bags of multicoloured yarn available on the wm site, let alone hours and hours after they are available for sale. Either the world economic downturn is finally reaching yarn collectors, or supply is is greater than demand. I reluctantly popped a bag in my cart and checked out. Just one though, I had to congratulate myself on my will power. You have no idea how long I have pined for multicoloured wm. How many times I’ve closed the wm window because there was none. The yarn gods want me to buy yarn, I’m sure of it. Clearly I need to stay away from online yarn stores, at least until Bendigo.

Still Light is close to finishing, so close. Purl managed to cut my working yarn with her teeth when I hopped up to tidy the kitchen. She is such a naughty kitten. Two more ends to sew in…

Little Monster

DSC_2806 It was Marilyn’s 1st birthday party today. I finally got to hand over her monster pants and they were a real hit! Sadly the matching cardigan I made was a little snug… I tried to adjust a 10ply pattern to suit the 8ply yarn I used in the pants. Sadly it’s a ‘slim’ fit.’ Oh well,’ I said. ‘Your next kid can wear it’. It was a bit disappointing to me and no doubt the parents. The pants only took a week to knit, the cardigan 2 weeks…

I’ll just have to make her another cardigan. But first, Still light, I can’t forget about you.


It was funny watching Marilyn crawling around with her little monster bottom. I can highly recommend this as a fun knit.


Hell has frozen over

I went to Ikea today. I haven’t been in years. I still get the shivers thinking about what happened last time. Damian decided not to join me, which was a very good thing. I was in and out of Ikea in under 20 minutes; with a bit of pre-planning I knew what I wanted needed and now hopefully I can keep Purl from messing with my stash. Just quietly, I felt like a winner getting out of Ikea in record time. I might have to plan more trips like this.

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Hopefully Purl doesn’t take up rock climbing.

The monster pants are all done and I’m just finishing the sleeves on Marilyn’s matching cardigan. I’ll get Damian to take proper modelled photos next weekend. I can’t wait to hand it over and see my sister’s reaction.


The next instalment of my Cookie A sock club arrived on Friday. I love the yarn and the colour but unfortunately that means I’m way behind. Oh well, that’s life.

A battle of wills

After 4 months of living in harmony, Purl has decided she has as much right to my stash as I do. Or all of a sudden, yarn in zip lock bags has become extremely appealing… Looks like I have a date with Ikea.

Does she look innocent to you?



Purl helped me clear out one pigeon hole…



And here she is on her ivory tower planning, plotting her next move… hmm… she’s not very happy with me.


Bad Cat

I get really bored talking about Still Light, so I figure you must be bored hearing about it. All I’ll say is, it has been placed on hold yet again (with just 2 sleeves to go). My niece’s first birthday is coming up in less than 3 weeks and I wanted to make her something and I didn’t want to chance not getting it done in time if I. didn’t. stop. knitting. Still. Light.

Fast forward to this morning. Damian left for work hours before me. I wake to find this on my living room floor. 


Oh crap I thought. She’s got a taste for it. She’s somehow managed to find the left-over Cleckheaton Country Wide I made the Latte Baby Hoody with. Oh she must have got into my basket. Never mind I thought. No harm done. I’m beginning to sound like ‘those’ cat people that blame themselves for their cats destroying their knitting. Sadly, I’m beginning to see it from their perspective. 

So off to work I go, with the yarn safely shoved into the kitchen bin. At some point I unconsciously consider, ‘gee that was a lot of left-over yarn she got a hold of’. Way more than I thought I had… after all, I didn’t have enough to even make a ‘baby’ pocket on the jacket as I’d hoped. I pushed the thought out of my head.

Tonight I arrive home. I begin peeling the potatoes in prep for the delicious meal my husband is going to cook. I casually gaze at my yarn shelf and for no reason at all I see this:


This is where I freak out.

Ok. This ball of yarn is from my new ‘niece’ project. It has been placed up high on this shelf by Damian. Ok… so if that’s up there, then where is the rest of my yarn and project bag? It’s missing. I search high and low. I finally find my bag still relatively tied up in Purl’s TUNNEL @#$%%^&*

I carefully untie my project bag and then I hold my breath for the safe return of my knitting project. (At this point I think Purl walks sideways out of the room). Thankfully the project is intact. I go to the bin and yank out the red yarn. It is not the Cleckheaton Country Wide wool, I’d originally thought. It is the Jo Sharp DK wool, which is the monsters mouth in my niece’s project. Woe. Oh. Oh well. At least I’ve already done the mouth, nevermind I wanted to use it for stripes as well. There I go again sounding like one of those cat people.

The project is Das Monster. Toddler monster pants! I love them and have wanted to knit them forever. If there’s time, I’ll make my niece a cardigan too.

Lessons learned:

Purl cannot be trusted. Ever.

She has a taste for yarn with some grit. The Rowan yarn sits unharmed in baskets totally at her reach.

Purl loves yarn, just like me.
